People Profiles

Daniel Partridge - Senior Customer Advisor
Daniel Partridge - Senior Customer Advisor
Name: Daniel Partridge Job Role: Senior Customer Advisor Location based at: Midlands Division   Where did you work before Glazerite and what role did you do? This is actually my second time being employed at Glazerite. I worked here previously from the ages of 17-26 working my way up from being a processor to being a Senior Sales Co-ordinator. I left to develop myself further and took on a couple of other career paths including a couple of years as a Deputy Store Manager for Aldi which working through the height of the pandemic was a challange in itself! What do you enjoy most about working here? I enjoy the social interactions of dealing with customers and staff on a daily basis. I am very much a people person and am a bit of the office clown. I find the work rewarding and each day brings new challenges. I like to challenge myself and learn new skills wherever I can and there is always something new to learn here.  What did you want to be when growing up? When I was growing up I wanted to be one of two things. Either a kiddie holiday rep or an actor. I have a flare for the dramatics! What do you spend most of your time doing when you're not at work? If I am not off doing something with my partner or out with friends you will find me hiding in my book nook with my nose in a book. I love reading and even have a little instagram account where I blog about what I read. I've always been a bit of a book worm and some lunch breaks I will go walking with my nose in a book. The other team members are always fearful I may not come back and are shocked at this type of multitasking! 
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Lauren Edwards - Digital Marketing Specialist
Lauren Edwards - Digital Marketing Specialist
Name: Lauren Edwards Job Role: Digital Marketing Specialist Location based at: Midlands Division   Where did you work before Glazerite? Before working for Glazerite I worked for a Digital Marketing Agency in Northamptonshire that specialised in offering website design, social media and seo services.  What drew you to Glazerite originally?  I was drawn to Glazerite by the varied role that was offered. After coming from a digital background, I was excited at the idea of learning all aspects of marketing including more traditional methods. What's the most recent holiday you've had? Back in October I was bridesmaid for one of my closest friends and their wedding was in Zakopane, Poland. It was somewhere I'd never think to go but it was such a beautiful part of the world. It was a great holiday and I got to spend some quality time with my partner and closest friends which was lovely. How would you describe your family? My family are very loving and supportive. I've always been lucky to have a close relationship to all of my family and they all live quite close by which is nice as I get to see them a lot. What do you spend most of your time doing when you're not at work? Myself and my partner Enzo recently moved into our first home together so at the moment we spend most of the time decorating and making our house a home. I can't wait for the summer when I can get out in the garden more and start planting our herbs and vegetables.
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