From July this year we defaulted to Timberweld® sashes with mechanically jointed outerframes, mullions and transoms on R9 and R7. This gives an authentic look to both systems in addition to more flexibility with glazing and transport. We decided not to increase prices to cover this capital expenditure as we firmly believe this improvement will result in more orders for all parties.
With Timberweld the end result is a window or door which presents the appearance of traditional butt joints as well as having the added benefit of sealed chambers and the efficiencies and accuracy from welding, rather than mechanically screwing together and gluing corners.
The investment continues at our East site, where we have installed the machinery and are now testing in preparation for giving you Timberweld on Halo Flush Sash on your orders from 1st November.
R7 and Halo Flush Sash products with standard welded corners will remain an option for any customers who require frames to match previous projects or ongoing contracts.